“Every movement creates waves.”

Hasn’t mother nature shown us that the seed we plant today is indeed the fruit we reap tomorrow?
Imagine sowing seeds instead of plastics all these years.
Imagine the lush forests that could-have-been instead of landfills underneath our feet.
Masa untuk membumi.
No more wasting and regretting.
From now on, wherever our feet may take us, have a closer look at our surroundings.
What can we do better?
How can we be better so that we deserve the honour of living on this earth?
We are more than just citizens and residents – we are humans first.
And this home is all we have. It’s time to return to our humble roles and roots.
From Goodpair Socks and ANAABU, arrives BUMI – a crew socks collection comprising two sets of design: Plant and Grow.
Plant comes in four dusky shades, representing everything that is under the ground: Waste, rubbish, disposables, the past, the irreversible yesterday.
Grow on the other hand, emerges in four lighter tones, symbolizing everything that grows out of the ground: Result, effort, aspiration, the future, the hopeful tomorrow.
BUMI is made with kindness in mind, and that means:
1. All printed materials (i.e. cards, label tags) are created with recycled paper and they are produced in a strictly minimum quantity that is only needed. Not more, not less.
2. The giftbox comes with a double-sided, reversible furoshiki bag which can be reused in all sorts of ways, giving you two different look to accommodate your various styles.
3. Anything plastic lasts almost forever and is not very kind to mother nature, therefore the usage of it for delivery purposes will be minimized and kept as less as possible.
Director : Amani Azlin
Movement Director: Natasha Perreira
DOP : Matthew Chow
Assistant : Sara Kong
Talents: Myn & Lyn
Music: Shelhiel
Copywriter: Wani Ardy
Assistants: Anis Khairunnisa, Amirul Hasnan, Nini